About Us

Who We Are

  • We are a global specialist coaching solutions company providing top quality coaching solutions that enhance the performance of people, teams and organisations.
  • We are an internationally accredited provider of professional coach training services to people that desire to become professional coaches as an alternative or added career.
  • We are providers of life-time mentoring and other post-training support services for our trained professional coaches, helping them to grow and operate at the top of their game.

Our Belief and Vision

We believe that the greatest wealth resides in uniquely gifted people, and that the most realistic way to harness the “hidden wealth” is to skillfully integrate peoples’ uniqueness and diversity through capacity building and empowerment.

Our vision is to utilise powerful coaching, mentoring and related support services to create true wealth (value) for people, teams and organisations, through skills optimisation and resource integration.

Our Value and Differentiation

  • Excellence. We demonstrate highest professional coaching standards and excellence, in providing value to our clients.
  • Commitment. We maintain true loyalty and commitment to everyone that we have the opportunity to establish a relationship with.
  • Integrity. We uphold the best attributes and professional ethics of the coaching profession and practice with utmost integrity in all our dealings.

The ICMI Approach

Get a Coach: We encourage you to engage a Professional Expert Coach to help you set and achieve great goals, as you are supported to accelerate, expand, and guide your personal growth and development. You and I need coaching!

Become a Coach: We help you to swiftly upgrade your coaching skills, mindset, toolbox, and strategies in order to boost your performance as a coach, leader, mentor and influencer. When you become a coach, you pass on the benefits to others.

Develop as a Coach: Become a High Performance Coach, by improving your coaching skills, and sharing your experience and expertise, to help others to unleash their fullest potential. We support your professional coaching business for life!

Why Choose ICMI

Provision of Tailor-made  Solutions Relevant to Your Specific Needs, Resources and Opportunities

  • Not the ‘One Cap Fits All Approach‘
  • We Create Trust and Lifetime Results

REAL Value From Multi-skilled, Experienced and Tested Active Professional Coaches with Proven Expertise, and Hands-On Experience.

  • We Challenge You to Unlock & Unleash Your Potentials…