Value Offerings

Coaching Solutions

Coaching remains the most effective process and opportunity for people to discover the full extent of their abilities and unlock their potentials. It is for this reason that coaching has in the past few years become a must-have for people, teams and organisations that desire to achieve important goals and attain greater heights of performance. ICMI’s top quality coaching solutions are tailored to your needs, situations, opportunities and resources.

For ICMI’s full range of Coaching Solutions, Click here

Coach-Training Programmes

ICMI has distinguished itself as a reputable specialist coach-training organisation that not only promotes professional coaching excellence, but also provides post-training and lifetime support services to help trained coaches grow and develop. Our coach-training programmes equips you with the much-needed credibility to position as a qualified coach, and also helps you to become more accomplished as an individual, leader and entrepreneur.

For more information on ICMI’s professional coach-training programmes, Click here

Special Programmes

The Limitless Leadership Coaching Programme


Companies that will survive today, and thrive in the future must be led and managed by agile, energised, astute, authentic and fiercely focused leaders. It is leaders like these that can effectively inspire others and positively influence behaviours that produce best results, especially in tough and rapidly changing times, such as now. Leaders like these are best described as limitless leaders. For more details Click here

The Manager-To-Coach Programme


Leadership and management responsibilities continue to change dramatically due to the rapidly changing local and global business environments, hence the increasing interest in coaching, as many organisations are prepared to invest in the growth and development of their managers, particularly through coaching. The Manager-To-Coach Course is a specialised coach training course, which provides team leaders with practical coaching tips, tools and techniques that positively influence beliefs, behaviour and actions. The programme is the missing link that every management staff needs for continued success. For more details Click here

Revolutionary Workplace Programme


The Revolutionary Workplace Programme is a philosophy, framework and system that helps top managers, leaders and entrepreneurs to create a sustainable and resilient foundation that delivers extraordinary results and exponential impact. The focus of the programme is improved teamwork and increased profits through thought-provoking and leading-edge strategies for optimised mindsets. This programme, which helps to deliver the most effective management and leadership to your organisation and business, is typically seven times more valuable than most other training processes. This is because it activates and aligns meaning and mindsets with positive action to produce extraordinary results. For more details Click here

Youth LifeShift Programme


ICMI has thus teamed up with LEAP Foundation NPC, a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) with interests in promoting and supporting youth development and empowerment across Africa. The collaboration involves the facilitation of the Youth LifeShift Programme, a project that utilises the power of coaching to reinforce positive believes, change negative mindsets, build capacity and develop critical skills of youths of Africa.

The programme, which deals with personal development of participating youths through growth mindset, is also designed to support special skills development, as well as provide youth leadership and financial literacy offerings. For more details Click here