
Partner with us

  • Do you have knowledge, skills, networks, leverages or other interests in coaching, mentoring and related action-learning processes?
  • Are you interested in becoming a collaborator with, or representative of ICMI in your country or city?
  • Do you wish to join and benefit from ICMI’s business referrals system, which rewards you for successfully referring clients for our programmes?
  • Do you desire to join our constantly growing global business and coaching networks and community?
We invite you to partner with us…Let’s create more opportunities together. Click here to fill the partnership form

Partnership Types

1. Representative/Team Member

ICMI is seeking value-adding representatives and team members within and outside South Africa. Become a collaborator with ICMI, and/or representative of ICMI in your country or city.

 2. Referral Partner

Are you able to refer realistic business to ICMI, and earn some income for your efforts? Become a Marketing Referral Partner and be rewarded for successfully referring clients.

Some of Our Valuable Partners